Texas Premier Breeder of Trophy Whitetails

Clear Creek Whitetails

Clear Creek Whitetails 

Out of the passion for the great outdoors and the pursuit of whitetail deer, Clear Creek Whitetails was born in 2012. Clear Creek Ranch has long produced native central Texas trophy whitetail due to a concerted effort of selective harvest, protein feeding and habitat management even while the ranch was low fenced. It was in 2011 that the decision was made to high fence the ranch where the efforts from years past, would reveal full potential among the native herd.  Following years of hunting trophy whitetail across North America and Canada, the proprietor of Clear Creek Ranch recognized the opportunity to enhance the ranch genetics where 200 inch plus whitetail trophies would become reality and where the business of breeding trophy whitetails would create a profitable business to further sustain ranch operations.   From that point on, every consideration and investment was made to create a world class breeding operation.  With 8 breeding pens, shelter structure, 24/7 protein feeding, immunizations and world class sires & doe, Clear Creek Whitetails is fully operational and a top deer breeder for the state of Texas.   

The History of the Ranch

Located just outside of Brownwood, Texas, Clear Creek Ranch is a 3rd generation working cattle ranch.  In addition to cattle ranching, the ranch has always had its own farm operation yielding annual crops including wheat, milo, alfalfa and corn utilized exclusively for bovine consumption as a self sustaining resource for the cattle operation.   Early settlers of the ranch endured great hardship and the ranch was a stopping point in the journey of early settlers in search of land for staking claim.  A cemetary located on the ranch provides a hint of the hardships the immigrants faced including disease and indian raids.  From wagon wheels, a wood plank house & barn, a fireplace made with stone harvested on the property to a cistern well system for collecting water, a walk on the ranch takes one back to a by gone era that triggers the imagination of what must have been, a very wild, wild west.